Mental Health Support for Street Children in Kampala Schools (2023)

In 2023, Kampala witnessed a transformative development in the realm of child welfare with the introduction of dedicated mental health support services for street children in its schools. This initiative aimed to address the critical mental health needs of one of the city’s most vulnerable populations, providing holistic support to help these children thrive despite the challenges they face.

This comprehensive exploration delves into the origins, implementation, impact, and future prospects of this groundbreaking initiative. It examines how mental health support services in schools are reshaping the lives of street children, contributing to their overall well-being, and setting a precedent for child welfare policies in Uganda and beyond.

Context: The Challenges Faced by Street Children

The Situation of Street Children in Kampala

Street children in Kampala face numerous hardships that impact their physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. These challenges include:

  1. Economic Hardships: Many street children come from impoverished backgrounds, and their economic struggles contribute to their life on the streets. They often lack access to basic needs such as food, shelter, and healthcare.
  2. Social Exclusion: Street children frequently experience social exclusion and stigmatization. They are often marginalized by society and may face discrimination and neglect.
  3. Exposure to Violence: Living on the streets exposes children to various forms of violence, including physical abuse, exploitation, and trafficking. This exposure has severe consequences for their mental health and overall development.
  4. Lack of Education: Many street children have limited access to education, which further perpetuates their cycle of poverty and marginalization. Educational opportunities are often scarce or inaccessible.
  5. Mental Health Issues: The cumulative stressors of street life, including trauma, abuse, and neglect, lead to significant mental health challenges. Street children may experience anxiety, depression, PTSD, and other mental health issues.

The Need for Mental Health Support

Addressing the mental health needs of street children is crucial for their overall well-being and future prospects. Mental health support can help:

  1. Trauma Recovery: Provide therapeutic interventions to help children process and heal from traumatic experiences.
  2. Emotional Stability: Offer support to manage emotional challenges such as anxiety, depression, and behavioral issues.
  3. Behavioral Improvement: Facilitate positive behavior changes and coping strategies to improve interactions and social skills.
  4. Educational Engagement: Enhance focus, motivation, and engagement in educational activities through mental health support.
  5. Holistic Development: Support overall development by addressing psychological, emotional, and social needs.

The Initiative: Launch and Objectives

Development and Launch

The mental health support initiative for street children in Kampala schools was launched in 2023 in response to the growing recognition of the need for comprehensive child welfare services. The initiative was developed through collaboration between:

  1. Government Agencies: Government departments responsible for education, health, and child welfare played a key role in shaping and funding the initiative.
  2. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs): NGOs specializing in child welfare, mental health, and education provided expertise, resources, and support for the program.
  3. Local Schools: Schools in Kampala were integral to the implementation of the initiative, serving as the primary sites for delivering mental health support services.
  4. Community Stakeholders: Local community organizations, leaders, and advocacy groups contributed to the initiative’s development and execution.

Objectives of the Initiative

The primary objectives of the mental health support initiative were:

  1. Provide Access to Mental Health Services: Ensure that street children in Kampala schools have access to mental health services, including counseling, therapy, and support groups.
  2. Integrate Mental Health into Education: Incorporate mental health support into the educational environment, creating a safe and supportive space for children to address their psychological needs.
  3. Promote Awareness and Understanding: Increase awareness among teachers, school staff, and the community about the mental health challenges faced by street children and the importance of providing support.
  4. Foster Resilience and Well-Being: Support the emotional and psychological resilience of street children, helping them cope with challenges and build a positive future.
  5. Enhance Overall Child Welfare: Contribute to the holistic development and well-being of street children by addressing their mental health needs alongside their educational and physical needs.

Key Components of the Initiative

The mental health support initiative comprised several key components designed to achieve its objectives:

  1. Counseling and Therapy Services

The initiative established counseling and therapy services in schools to provide direct support to street children. Key aspects included:

  • Individual Counseling: Providing one-on-one counseling sessions to address individual mental health concerns, trauma, and emotional challenges.
  • Group Therapy: Facilitating group therapy sessions where children could share experiences, receive support, and learn coping strategies.
  • Trauma-Informed Care: Implementing trauma-informed care practices to ensure that therapeutic interventions are sensitive to the unique experiences of street children.
  1. Training and Capacity Building

Training and capacity building were essential for equipping school staff and mental health professionals with the skills and knowledge to effectively support street children:

  • Teacher Training: Providing training for teachers and school staff on recognizing signs of mental health issues, supporting students in distress, and integrating mental health support into the classroom.
  • Mental Health Professional Training: Offering specialized training for mental health professionals working with street children to ensure that they are equipped to provide effective and empathetic care.
  1. Integration with Education

Integrating mental health support into the educational environment was a central focus of the initiative:

  • School-Based Programs: Developing school-based programs that incorporate mental health education and support into the curriculum.
  • Supportive School Environment: Creating a supportive school environment where street children feel safe, valued, and understood.
  • Academic Support: Providing academic support to address the learning needs of street children and enhance their engagement in education.
  1. Community Outreach and Engagement

Engaging the broader community was crucial for the success of the initiative:

  • Community Awareness Campaigns: Conducting campaigns to raise awareness about mental health issues and the importance of supporting street children.
  • Parental Involvement: Involving parents and caregivers in the initiative to ensure that they are informed about mental health support and can contribute to their children’s well-being.
  1. Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation were essential for assessing the impact and effectiveness of the initiative:

  • Data Collection: Collecting data on the mental health needs of street children, the services provided, and the outcomes achieved.
  • Impact Assessment: Evaluating the impact of the initiative on the well-being, academic performance, and overall development of street children.
  • Continuous Improvement: Using feedback and evaluation results to make adjustments and improvements to the program.

Implementation and Impact

Rollout and Early Successes

The rollout of the mental health support initiative involved several key phases:

  1. Pilot Programs

The initiative began with pilot programs in selected schools to test and refine the approach. These pilot programs provided valuable insights into the needs of street children and the effectiveness of the support services.

  1. Scaling Up

Based on the success of the pilot programs, the initiative was scaled up to include more schools across Kampala. This expansion involved increasing the number of counseling and therapy services, training additional staff, and enhancing community outreach efforts.

  1. Community Response

The community response to the initiative was largely positive. Schools, parents, and local organizations expressed support for the program and recognized its importance in addressing the mental health needs of street children.

Key Achievements

Several key achievements highlighted the success of the mental health support initiative:

  1. Increased Access to Mental Health Services

The initiative significantly increased access to mental health services for street children. Many children who previously lacked access to support now received counseling, therapy, and other forms of assistance.

  1. Improved Emotional Well-Being

Feedback from schools and mental health professionals indicated improvements in the emotional well-being of street children. Many children reported feeling more supported, understood, and empowered.

  1. Enhanced Academic Engagement

The integration of mental health support into the educational environment contributed to improved academic engagement and performance. Children who received mental health support were better able to focus on their studies and participate in classroom activities.

  1. Positive Behavioral Changes

The initiative facilitated positive behavioral changes among street children. Many children exhibited improved social skills, reduced behavioral issues, and increased resilience in the face of challenges.

  1. Increased Public Awareness

Public awareness of mental health issues and the needs of street children increased as a result of the initiative. Community engagement efforts and awareness campaigns helped to foster a greater understanding of the importance of mental health support.

Challenges and Lessons Learned

Despite the successes, several challenges were encountered during the implementation of the initiative:

  1. Resource Constraints

Resource constraints, including funding and personnel limitations, posed challenges to the full implementation of the initiative. Securing sufficient resources was crucial for maintaining and expanding services.

  1. Stigma and Misconceptions

Addressing stigma and misconceptions about mental health remained a challenge. Efforts to educate the public and reduce stigma were ongoing to ensure that street children felt comfortable seeking support.

  1. Coordination and Collaboration

Coordinating efforts among various stakeholders, including government agencies, NGOs, schools, and community organizations, required effective communication and collaboration. Ensuring that all parties were aligned with the initiative’s goals was essential.

  1. Sustaining Momentum

Sustaining momentum and maintaining the effectiveness of the initiative over time required ongoing commitment and adaptation. Continuous evaluation and adjustment were necessary to address evolving needs and challenges.

Future Prospects and Recommendations

Expansion and Enhancement

To build on the successes of the mental health support initiative and address existing challenges, several recommendations are proposed:

  1. Expand Access and Coverage

Expand the initiative to include more schools and communities, particularly in underserved areas. Increasing coverage will ensure that more street children benefit from mental health support.

  1. Strengthen Infrastructure and Resources

Invest in strengthening the infrastructure and resources needed to support mental health services. This includes increasing funding, enhancing facilities, and recruiting additional mental health professionals.

  1. Enhance Public Awareness and Education

Continue efforts to enhance public awareness and education about mental health issues and the needs of street children. Public campaigns and community-based initiatives can help to reduce stigma and promote understanding.

  1. Promote Integration with Other Services

Integrate mental health support with other child welfare services, including education, healthcare, and social support. A holistic approach will address the broader needs of street children and enhance their overall well-being.

  1. Foster Collaboration and Partnerships

Strengthen collaboration and partnerships among government agencies, NGOs, schools, and community organizations. Effective coordination and shared resources will contribute to the success and sustainability of the initiative.

  1. Monitor and Evaluate Impact

Continue monitoring and evaluating the impact of the initiative to assess its effectiveness and identify areas for improvement. Regular feedback and data analysis will inform adjustments and ensure that the program meets its goals.


The introduction of mental health support services for street children in Kampala schools in 2023 represents a significant step forward in addressing the needs of one of the city’s most vulnerable populations. By providing comprehensive mental health support, integrating services into the educational environment, and fostering community engagement, the initiative has made a positive impact on the lives of street children.

Despite challenges, the initiative has achieved notable successes, including increased access to mental health services, improved emotional well-being, enhanced academic engagement, and greater public awareness. As Kampala continues to build on these successes, ongoing efforts to expand access, strengthen resources, and promote integration will be crucial for ensuring the long-term sustainability and effectiveness of the initiative.

The mental health support initiative serves as a model for child welfare programs and highlights the importance of addressing the mental health needs of vulnerable populations. By fostering resilience, well-being, and positive development, Kampala is paving the way for a brighter future for its street children and setting an example for other cities and countries to follow.