Empower Her Initiative (2022) - Promoting Girls’ Technical Education in Kampala

In an era where gender equity remains a global challenge, Uganda has made remarkable strides towards bridging the gap through initiatives aimed at empowering young girls and women. The “Empower Her” initiative, launched in 2022 in Kampala, stands out as one of the most impactful programs geared toward providing girls with technical education. With a focus on gender equity, economic empowerment, and sustainable development, this initiative has the potential to reshape the future of many girls in Uganda by equipping them with skills and opportunities in traditionally male-dominated fields.

Through training, mentorship, and support, the program addresses the systemic barriers that have historically limited girls' access to technical education. In this article, we delve deep into how the Empower Her initiative is making a difference, the challenges it seeks to overcome, and its wider implications for gender equity in Uganda and beyond.

Background and Need for the Empower Her Initiative

Gender Disparities in Technical Education

Uganda, like many other countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, has long struggled with gender disparities in education, particularly in technical fields such as engineering, information technology, and vocational training. Historically, technical education in Uganda has been male-dominated, with girls and young women often steered towards careers considered "feminine" such as nursing, teaching, and hospitality. This has not only reinforced gender stereotypes but also limited the economic opportunities available to women.

According to UNESCO, less than 30% of women in Uganda participate in technical and vocational education, and an even smaller percentage go on to pursue careers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields. Cultural norms, early marriages, poverty, and a lack of access to quality education are just some of the factors contributing to the gender imbalance. Without technical skills, many young women are left to engage in low-paying jobs, with limited upward mobility and financial independence.

Economic Impact of Gender Inequity

The economic implications of these disparities are significant. A study by the World Bank highlighted that Uganda could potentially increase its GDP by up to 10% if more women were empowered with the skills to participate in the formal economy. Closing the gender gap in technical education, therefore, isn't just a social or moral imperative; it is also an economic one.

Recognizing the need for a shift, the Ugandan government, in partnership with local and international organizations, has prioritized gender equity in education. However, there remains a gap between policy and implementation. The Empower Her initiative was born out of this necessity to move beyond rhetoric and create tangible change on the ground, starting in the capital, Kampala.

Goals and Objectives of the Empower Her Initiative

The Empower Her initiative, spearheaded by various NGOs and supported by the Ugandan Ministry of Education, has several core objectives:

  1. Provide Technical Education to Girls and Young Women
    The primary goal is to equip girls and young women with technical skills that will enable them to enter lucrative and high-demand fields. This includes training in fields like information technology, engineering, construction, and vocational skills such as mechanics and electronics repair.
  2. Promote Gender Equity in Technical Fields
    By providing targeted scholarships, mentorship programs, and job placement opportunities, the initiative seeks to dismantle the cultural and societal barriers that prevent girls from pursuing technical education.
  3. Create Sustainable Employment Opportunities
    The program aims to connect its graduates with employers, ensuring that they not only acquire skills but also secure meaningful employment that allows for economic independence. Through partnerships with businesses and industries, the initiative fosters pathways for these young women to become competitive in the job market.
  4. Enhance Community Awareness and Support for Girls’ Education
    Another important goal of the initiative is to change societal attitudes about women in technical fields. Through community outreach, workshops, and media campaigns, Empower Her seeks to break down gender stereotypes and promote the value of girls’ education in technical subjects.
  5. Support Girls through Mentorship and Leadership Programs
    Beyond education, the initiative also provides mentorship and leadership development opportunities. Empower Her believes in nurturing not just skilled workers, but future leaders and innovators in Uganda’s technical and vocational sectors.

Structure and Implementation of the Empower Her Initiative

Partnerships and Collaborations

The Empower Her initiative is the result of collaboration between various stakeholders, including government bodies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), private sector companies, and international development agencies. The Ugandan Ministry of Education plays a pivotal role in providing policy support, ensuring that the initiative aligns with national educational goals and priorities.

International partners such as UNICEF, UNESCO, and the World Bank provide both financial and technical support, while local organizations, including the Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) Uganda Chapter, are involved in the on-the-ground implementation of the program. Additionally, private companies in sectors such as construction, IT, and manufacturing have signed on to provide internships, training opportunities, and eventual employment for the participants.

Curriculum and Training

Empower Her offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to provide both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The program is structured into various modules, including:

  1. STEM Education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)
    This module focuses on foundational and advanced skills in science and technology, with a strong emphasis on coding, software development, electrical engineering, and mechanics.
  2. Vocational and Technical Training
    Students receive hands-on training in trades like welding, carpentry, plumbing, automotive repair, and electronics.
  3. Soft Skills Development
    The initiative also includes soft skills training such as leadership, communication, teamwork, and problem-solving, which are essential for success in technical fields.
  4. Financial Literacy and Entrepreneurship
    Recognizing that not all participants may find formal employment, Empower Her incorporates financial literacy and entrepreneurship training, encouraging young women to start their own businesses.
  5. Mentorship and Networking
    Each participant is paired with a mentor who provides guidance throughout their training. The initiative also organizes networking events and workshops to help girls build professional connections in their respective fields.

Challenges and Barriers Addressed by Empower Her

Cultural Norms and Stereotypes

One of the biggest challenges faced by girls in Uganda is the societal expectation that women should stick to traditionally “feminine” roles. For many families, the idea of a daughter becoming an engineer or mechanic may seem strange or even unacceptable. To address this, Empower Her runs sensitization campaigns aimed at changing mindsets within communities. Parents and community leaders are engaged in discussions about the importance of girls’ education, especially in technical fields, and how this can uplift entire communities.

Financial Constraints

Many families in Uganda cannot afford to send their children, especially girls, to school, let alone pay for technical education, which is often more expensive than general education. Empower Her provides scholarships and financial assistance to cover the costs of training, transportation, and materials. This ensures that girls from low-income households have an equal opportunity to participate.

Lack of Role Models

The absence of female role models in technical fields can deter girls from pursuing these careers. Empower Her addresses this by inviting successful women from industries such as engineering, IT, and construction to speak at workshops, lead training sessions, and mentor participants. This exposure helps demystify technical careers and shows young girls that success in these fields is achievable.

Gender-Based Violence and Harassment

Gender-based violence (GBV) and harassment remain significant issues in Uganda, particularly in schools and workplaces. Empower Her incorporates gender sensitivity training into its curriculum, teaching girls how to protect themselves, report abuse, and create supportive networks. The initiative also advocates for stronger legal protections for women in technical fields and works closely with companies to ensure that female employees are treated with respect and fairness.

Success Stories and Impact

Since its launch in 2022, the Empower Her initiative has already seen remarkable success, transforming the lives of hundreds of girls in Kampala. The following are some success stories and key impacts of the program:

  1. Increased Enrollment in Technical Education
    Empower Her has successfully enrolled over 1,000 girls in technical and vocational training programs, a significant increase from previous years. This influx of young women into technical fields represents a major shift in societal norms and demonstrates the demand for such opportunities.
  2. Job Placements and Internships
    More than 60% of the first cohort of Empower Her graduates have secured internships or job placements with partner companies in sectors such as construction, IT, and automotive repair. This success rate highlights the program’s ability to create pathways to employment for its participants.
  3. Entrepreneurial Ventures
    Several graduates have gone on to start their own businesses, leveraging the skills they acquired through the program. From opening electronics repair shops to launching digital marketing agencies, these young women are breaking new ground and contributing to Uganda’s growing entrepreneurial ecosystem.
  4. Community Engagement
    Empower Her has made significant strides in community engagement, with parents, teachers, and local leaders becoming increasingly supportive of girls' participation in technical education. The program has held over 50 community workshops aimed at breaking down gender stereotypes and promoting the value of technical education for girls.
  5. National and International Recognition
    The success of the Empower Her initiative has garnered attention both nationally and internationally. In 2023, the program was recognized by the Ugandan government as a model for gender equity in education. Additionally, international organizations such as UNESCO and UN Women have praised the initiative for its innovative approach to empowering girls.

Future Prospects and Sustainability

Expanding the Reach of Empower Her

Given the success of the program in Kampala, there are plans to expand the Empower Her initiative to other regions of Uganda. Rural areas, in particular, stand to benefit from similar programs, as girls in these areas face even greater barriers to education and economic opportunities. The long-term goal is to create a national network of technical education centers for girls, with support from the government and private sector partners.

Strengthening Partnerships with Industry

As the initiative grows, so too does the need for more industry partnerships. Empower Her is actively seeking to collaborate with more companies in Uganda and beyond to provide internship opportunities, job placements, and mentorship for its graduates. By creating stronger links between education and industry, the initiative ensures that its participants are not only skilled but also employable.

Advocating for Policy Change

To create lasting change, Empower Her is also advocating for policy reforms that promote gender equity in technical education. This includes lobbying for increased funding for girls' education, stronger legal protections against gender-based violence in schools and workplaces, and the inclusion of gender-sensitive curricula in technical training institutions.


The Empower Her initiative represents a transformative step forward for girls' education and gender equity in Uganda. By providing technical education and opportunities in male-dominated fields, the program is equipping young women with the skills they need to achieve economic independence and break the cycle of poverty. Through community engagement, partnerships with industry, and a focus on mentorship and leadership development, Empower Her is not only changing lives but also reshaping the future of Uganda’s workforce.

As the initiative continues to expand, it has the potential to become a model for other countries facing similar challenges. With continued support from the government, private sector, and international organizations, Empower Her could play a crucial role in ensuring that Uganda's young women are empowered to contribute to the nation's development and prosperity. The program’s success is a testament to the power of education, the importance of gender equity, and the potential for sustainable development when girls are given the tools they need to succeed.